Music Therapy

As you know that today’s hectic life style, working stress & tension creating various types of health problems such unusual B.P., Cardiovascular problems, headache, psychological disorders, depression, sleeplessness, nervous problems etc. which are sometime converted in to serious problems and effecting the family life & working efficiency of the person. Now a days in place to fight these problems most of us and teenagers are starting use of alcohol, smoking and other unhealthy things to overcome the stress, tension, depression but they are helpful for time being and become emerged itself as a new problem after a time period and this will affects the working efficiency of your employee; ultimately the output of company will be affected.

          Music Therapy establish itself as a new field of complimentary and alternate medicine (CAM), In some case it works together with allopathy, homeopathy, naturopathy  etc. and increase the rate of recovery as a complimentary medicine, but in some case it is work as a alternate medicine such as Analgesic (pain remover) in pregnancy, infant and old age person, control anxiety, stress. Music Therapy is the medicinal use of sound to treat or cure various types of disorders Music therapy works by influencing the neuro-endocrine system of livings and it is very effective in case of disorders related with the abnormality of neuro-endocrinology.

           As we know our most of the behavioural and functional aspects of body are the result of various types of metabolic reactions which are directly or indirectly controlled by the neuro-endocrine system. So music therapy is a effective tool in case of all type of disorders but it is not effective in case of emergency and where surgery is the only cure.

Music therapy is effective in a wide variety of healthcare but is very useful in case of:

  • Cardiovascular disorders (CVD)
  • Neuro-endocrine  disorders, Hormonal disorders
  • Pregnancy
  • Anxiety, Stress, Depression
  • Pain
  • Growth and development
  • Child behavior